Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday morning 7/15

Yesterday was a busy day, and the first day that ran late, until about 9:30 pm. The morning session was on Buddhism and was an excellent lecture, leaving me thinking a lot about the ancient philosophy and some ideas floating around in my head. I certainly want to know more about Buddhism, but that will take some time and some effort once I return to the mainland. The evening session was a movie about a dancer and a general in ancient India who eventually decide to convert to Buddhism to be together after constant conflict and fighting. It was a bit over the top early Bollywood (the movie was from 1966) and it was funny in certain spots with how oddly different it was from Western expectations of what a movie should be about. Still it was okay but I am not sure if my students would have sat through the two hour movie as easily as I barely did.

There was a large gap in the day, from about 12:30 until 6:30, so Lisa and I ran off to grab some lunch at Subway on campus, then got ready to head back to Waikiki. Lisa want to get some sun on the beach and I wanted to go to the US Army Museum. So around 2 pm, we took the bus down to Waikiki and then went our separate ways for a few hours. The army museum was set in an old shore defense coastal gun battery and was simple but interesting hour and a half. I picked up a t shirt for my step father, some postcards and two books: one on Hawaiian royalty that my parents got me long ago but I misplaced, and a book on military history in Hawaiian before the US annexation in the 19th century. I then walked back along Waikiki, through a shopping center and stopping at Borders to get two books on Hawaiian history and ghost stories, looked at the menus of some upscale Japanese restaurants, and then popped into the Apple store, where I almost bought an iPad. Almost...

Lisa and I met up at the Moana Surfrider, a 100 year old Victorian hotel that is now a luxury hotel in one of the big chains. The lobby still has that Victorian feel, and I walked out to the beach bar, ordered a hefeweizen while waiting for Lisa to come in from the sun. We then had a drink together, left around 5:15 for the bus, and got back on campus around 6. A quick change, grabbed up some food, and off to the movie at 6:30. After the movie, Lisa dragged me off to Yogurtland across campus for a evening snack, which is basically a serve yourself, weigh and pay what you concoct, sort of shop. About a dozen flavors, about three dozen toppings, and then you take everything to the register where they weigh what you made and you pay based on weight. It was a good way to end the evening with a walk back across campus, as it began to rain half way back to Lincoln Hall.

I went to bed around 11, about an hour after I got back, and this time managed to stay in bed until 6, though I did wake up at 4, 5:15 and finally 6. No exercise this morning as I have some readings to catch up with, since this is our first double session: 9-12, and 1:30-4. I think I'll grab a walk this evening.

Pictures previously, as normal.

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