I am at the airport, waiting to board my flight. The plane is being cleaned as the previous passengers have deplaned. I am waiting on my colleague Lisa who is somewhere in the airport, but I got here a bit earlier than she and got some soft drinks, looked for the most recent issue of the Economist (since mine is suspended until I get home), and did all the last minute things that need to be done prior to a 3-4 hour flight.
So its to Denver, an hour layover, than Los Angeles, a three hour layover, and then at 6:27 pm PST its off to Hawaii. I am not sure how long that flight is, but I think its about 5 more hours, but I do arrive around 9:30 HST. Which depending on the time of the year is either 5 or 6 hours behind EST. Since they don't use Daylight Savings Time, I am assuming its is a six hour time difference. We shall find out when I arrive and the computer syncs itself as does my iPhone. Anyway, it will be in the wee hours of Sunday morning, East Coast time when I arrive in Hawaii.
I am, crossing my fingers, going to try and get some exercise in the morning, trying to force a rapid adjustment by getting up around 7:30 local time Sunday morning, getting some exercise, and then trying to find some breakfast, etc. Its going to be a slow day one way or the other, but things will gear up on Monday bright and early. I am sure that some of the 25 other people attending this conference will try to get dinner or something.
Well that is it for now. I'll either update at Denver or LAX, probably the later during my long layover.
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