Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pictures Tuesday 7/13

Looking over downtown Honolulu from the Punchbowl.

Pearl Harbor Unknown. First grave in the cemetery.

Looking towards the entrance of the cemetery for the memorial.

Memorial at the top of the Punchbowl for the missing.

Mural inside the memorial.

Looking towards the top of the memorial. On each side of 5 large stone columns covered with the names of the missing from WWII in the Pacific, Korea and Vietnam.

From the front of the cemetery to the memorial. The center grassy area is filled with graves are the tree lined areas on either side.

Me at the entrance to the cemetery.

Taking pictures of Honolulu while walking up to the top of the Punchbowl.

Old graveyard I pass every morning on my walk.

Old graveyard and church. The graveyard is still in use, but the church has been converted to a community theater.

Another shot of the graveyard.

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